Discover the secrets of a recovering perfectionist, from a doctor, mom and burnout survivor. I’ve written a book that’s dedicated to all the driven, Type A, overachieving, perfectionist women out there who are trying to change the world. I’ve been there, and want to share all the lessons I’ve learned so you’ll have an easier path to avoid burnout, tame the stress monster, and truly thrive. Because the world needs you and all the gifts you have to offer.
Are you tired of getting passed over for promotions? Didn’t get the raise you were hoping for? In just three steps, here’s how you can raise your hand and ask for what you want, be it a promotion, raise, or new opportunity in your organization. With my tried and true three step process you can make your career dreams a reality, too. Get my free guide here.
Is your job becoming increasingly intolerable? Are you thinking of changing jobs, or even changing careers completely? Deciding whether to stay or go can be a tough decision. Don’t make it lightly. Take the first step to a decision that works for you with my free career decision guide, created specifically for professional women.